Monday, October 30, 2017

Importance of Setting Goals

     Some of the benefits that you gain when you write down your goals are that you won't ever forget any of your goals, not even your smallest goals will be forgotten. Another important thing that happens when you set goals is that you can keep track and see the progress you make towards accomplishing them. Also, when you keep track of goals you've met, you can start to write new ones down. Some of the drawbacks you make have if you don't write your goals down in a journal are that you won't remember all of your goals if you have a lot, which you should have. Another draw back that you may encounter if you don't write your goals down is that you are less likely to meet your goals if you don't see them everyday, that's why it is important to read and add on to your goals in your goals journal. When you write in a journal you can also see the progress you make towards completing your goals.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Medical School Reaserch

Name and Location of school: Stanford University School of Medicine, located in Stanford, California.

Requirements: To be enrolled in Stanford University School of  Medicine, you must have an undergraduate  GPA between 3.61-3.99 and have a median MCAT score of 37/45 possible points.

Tuition: The tuition of the school is $54,327 and the application fee is $95.

 Degrees offered: There are MD, PA, PhD, Master's,Dual-degree, and PA programs at Stanford University School, of Medicine.
Image result for stanford university medical school
Areas of Study and Specialization: Continuing Medical Education, Postdoctoral scholars, Residencies and fellowships, Center for Innovation in Global Health, and Executive Education.

Reflection: I would like to attend this school because it seems really professional and I like all of the programs this school has to offer to its students. I also like that this school is in California because that means that I wouldn't have to move to a different state to attend this University.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Freelance Post

     Yesterday I came to Student Led Conference with my mom and niece. I just explained to my mom about the assignments that I have been completing for my 8 classes. Today at 10am I'm going to go to the MPR to donate blood for the Blood Drive. I hope that I don't pass out when they draw the blood. Lately been feeling kinda sick. Need to get my hair trimmed, it's getting to long. I still haven;t found my USB, I think that maybe my brothers wife stole it.  Seems like the kind of thing that crazy lady would do. Today we come out early due to SLC yesterday, hope that my brothers wife isn't at my house when I get home.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

6 Rules to Make People Like You

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.
     To be interested in other people is to ask about them, try to be their friends. When you talk to people and they could see that you are really alert when you talk to them and you pay really good attention, people will like you as a person. An example of this could be when you are in class and the teacher is talking, if you focus all of your attention towards them and make eye contact, they will see that you are only focused on them making you seem like a great student as you give all your attention to them.

Rule 2: Smile

     Smiling can make a person seem more friendly which is a good way to make people like you. Smiling also can give off a caring feeling towards others. an example of this can be in a picture. When you have a photo taken of yourself and you smile it makes you look like a good person which is whom people want to associate themselves with.

Rule 3: Remember Names

     Remembering people's name is a good way to let them know that you actually care and aren't wasting anyone's time. An example could be if you are in college and the professors could remember your name. Professors in college have hundreds of students and if the professor is able to remember your name, it will make you feel special. Another reason why remembering people's name will make you a more likable person is because it makes you seem responsible. When you are applying for a job and you can't remember your employer's name or your bosses/co-workers, you will appear careless which could get you fired.

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

     Good listening is a great skill to develop when you are trying to make people like you. When you are a good listener and encourage people to talk about themselves people really start to get to like you because a good listener makes people feel like they are getting their point out. people tend to like to talk about themselves so when you encourage it, they will feel like you really care and they will really admire that about you. An example of this can be when you are in a relationship. Some couples tend to fight because they don't feel like they are being listened to. 
"Be a good listener... it makes the person who's speaking to you feel loved, cared for and worthy of being heard."
-Wayne Dyer   

 Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest. 
      When you want to try and make friends, it is a good idea if you talk about a topic that you know the person you are talking to is into. For example, if you are talking to someone who is into a certain game, you could talk to them about that game which would make them happy because that is a topic they enjoy talking about. This is a great way to make a person like you because if they are to see you again, they will be reminded that they have the same interest as you because that one time you talked about their favorite topic. This is a great strategy to make people like you because you two would just be talking that catches both of your attention. 

Rule 6: Make other people feel important--and do it sincerely. 

Image result for make others feel important     When you want to make people like you, you should always make people feel important because it let them know that you are a caring person and that is a great trait to make a person likeable. An example of this rule can be when you are trying to make new friends. When you talk to a person making them sound greater than you in a sincerer way, they will like you for making them sound like a great person. When a person talks about you like if you are a important person you will enjoy their presents due to it.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Freelance Post: Las Vegas Mass Mudering

     3 days ago on October 1st, 2017 in Las Vegas, Nevada there was a concert Sunday night when all of a sudden a man started firing rounds into the crowd at the concert from his hotel room overlooking the location of the concert. Over 50 people were murdered that night and over 500 people were injured. This was the biggest mass shooting in American history. It is crazy to know how simply this was executed. The shooter had over 20 assault rifles in his hotel room where he was shooting from. It was determined that the shooter had been premeditating the attack because he had gotten the perfect room overlooking the area in which the concert was taking place in. I personally don't feel that safe anymore because, now the world can see how easy it is to kill many people quickly and hurt many others.