Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The 6 Attitudes

"The 6 Attitudes of High Achievers"
-John R. Noe
1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG
     This First step to becoming an over achiever is to always have big plans and never any small ones. The bigger you plan, the better the outcome will be. When you plan small you are not reaching your potential, you are only getting the small fish in the pond. When you plan big you plan to do something with your life and have a memorable event. For example, you shouldn't have small plans to graduate high school, you should have plans to graduate from college. You shouldn't have plans to be in a club at school, you should have plans to be president of the club at school. Another reason why you should plan big is because you should always do the best you can and peak over your limit. You will never know what you can accomplish if you don't try. Even if you were to fail, it would not matter as long as you tried. The most a person can ever do is try.
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 "Failing to plan is planning to fail."
-Alan Lakein
I can start to apply this new attitude by writing down bigger goals in my Goals Journal in class. Another way I can start applying this new attitude is by setting higher standards for myself.

2. Do What They Fear
     When you are trying to be a high achiever you have to aim high and sometimes that means trying to accomplish goal that others wouldn't even try to attempt. When you are trying to be the best at what you do, you have to sometimes do what no one else would try. An example of this is public speaking. Many people don't like to speak in public, especially in front of crowds. Yet, if you do this because you know others would hate/fear to do that it will increase the chances of you getting into a career that will make you happy. This is because public speaking is a big thing in the business life, and employers will look for that. Another example of that can be dangerous challenges, this can be in a athletic department. Such as when we watched the video of the man who broke the record of jumping out of a plane from the highest distance without a parachute.
"People fear what they don't understand"
                         -Bruce Lee                  

3. Willing to prepare
     When you are a person who is ready and willing to prepare you are a person who will be a high achiever. When you want to stay one step ahead of everybody else, you prepare for it. When you want to be a successful person in life, you have to prepare for it. When you are prepared, you are demonstrating that you are ready to do whatever you have to do. An example of this can be the day before you start a new school year. A regular person wouldn't think much of it other than being disappointed that they have to return to school. While a person who is willing to prepare will already have everything they need set up in their backpack with all of their school materials and with their uniform placed out ready for the morning with their alarm clocks set up. The difference will be shown  on the report card when the student who is willing to prepare gets higher grades that the student who did not prepare themselves.
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" Everyone wants to win, but not everyone is willing to prepare to win." 
-Bobby Knight
4. Willing to risk failure
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     When a person is willing to risk to fail, it doesn't mean that they are going to fail, just that they are willing to take a risk to succeed even if there is a chance of failure. An example of this can be when you are trying out for a team. If you know that there is a chance that you are not going to make it but you still try out because there is still a chance of success, that is what makes you a high achiever. Only high achievers try to succeed knowing there is a chance of failure. Taking a chance when failure is high is a really outstanding and courageous action to take because many people wouldn't take a risk like that. Everyone wants to succeed but hardly anyone wants to take a risk to fail. 

"You can't succeed unless you're willing to risk failure."
                                                                               -Raymond E. Feist

  5. Are Teachable
     When a person is teachable they are considered students, they are the ones that have the capability to learn new information and expand their intelligence. The reason that this is an attitude of a high achiever is because only those who really want to achieve and be successful in life are willing to are the ones who are open to learning new information that will expand their intelligence. An example of this can be anyone who goes to the library nowadays and picks up a book and starts reading without complaining that they don't like the book. Someone who is eager about learning new things is a person who is setting themselves up for success.
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"I had an acting coach while I was doing the show and every week I could see my work improving. I really liked working on the show because I was learning new things everyday."
                               -Dannii Minogue 

6. Have Heart
Image result for have heart quotes     When I say "have heart" I mean it as to show a certain emotion or attitude towards a person or a situation. An example of this can be donating money. Generosity is a way to have a heart. Another example can be to be friends with someone who you see who doesn't have any. This is an example because you are choosing to help someone out so they won't feel lonely. Having heart is an attitude of a high achiever because people who are positive and like to give and make others feel better, deserve to have good things happen to them.

"To be rich, is not what you have in your bank account, but what you have in your heart."

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