Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive

 "Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Image result for being proactive     To be an effective person in life you must follow certain rules that will help you become something. If you want to become something in life you have to be proactive, which means to not be lazy and waste your life watching TV. You should be out there learning new things, meeting new people, going to places you have never been. An example of this can be when you are in school. You shouldn't just be an average student who only goes to school because they have to. You should be enthusiastic and be apart of clubs or band or anything that would look good on a college or job resume. You have to be thinking about the future and be aware of how the present will affect your future.

"Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice."
-Stephen Covey
Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

Image result for begin with the end in mind     This habit means that you should start something when you have it planned out to the end. If you start something without seeing threw till the end you might give up when you can't think of what to do next. An example of thins can be when you have an essay to do. If you don't have a lay out or know in which format the essay has to be done, you will struggle because you won't have had planned ahead or had any kind of guide on how to do it. Another example could be when you start on a test. When you start it with the end in mind you are more likely to do your best on all of it till the end. If someone was to run for president, they should be thinking on how they would address their position from the start of the campaign up to the end of their 4 year turn.

"Begin with the end in mind. Start with the end outcome and work backwards to make your dreams possible."
-Wayne Dyer 
Habit 3: Put first things first

Image result for put first things first
     When you are trying to multi task you could easily mess up due to the many things you are doing. That's why it is important to put first things first. By that I mean that you have to do one thing at a time but you must complete them. An example of thins can be with chores. Some people try doing them all at once and end up making a mess. That's why it is important to do one thing at a time and see it threw. When I say put first things first, that also means to do things in order. You have to stay in order to ensure that you can move on when your previous step is completed.

  "How can you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper."
-William Golding

Habit 4: Think win-win
Image result for think win win     What this habit means is that you have to only be thinking about winning and never losing because if you focus on losing then you will lose. But, if you focus on wining then you will win. An example of this can be when you are getting interviewed for a job. You have to be telling yourself that you will get the job and when you are determined to do something, then the chances are that you will succeed. Another example of this habit can be when you are taking a test. If you study and go over all of your notes to make sure that you will pass your test, you also have to tell yourself that you will succeed and when you are determined you can do almost anything.  Another example of this is when you are teaming up with a friend or co-worker to get something completed you have to think about what they win when you win. 
"If you think you can win, you can win. Faith is necessary to victory."
-William Hazlitt

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Image result for seek first to understand then to be understood
     What this habit means is that when you are exposed to a new topic you should first try to understand it as much as possible before you try to explain it and be understood. An example of this can be during an IDP. First you'll need to clearly understand the topic before you can start to explain it to be understood. Another example of this can be a new theory or topic you are learning about. Before you try to teach anyone about your new topic, you must first master it. If you can't explain something so complicated so simply, you haven't learned it well enough. A great example of this can be a teacher in training. They have to go to college and many training before they can become a certified teacher because they have to learn the subject well enough to the point where they can explain it simply enough for a student to learn it and be able to explain it to their peers.

"Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try."
-Earnest Hemingway

Habit 6: Synergize 
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     What this habit means is that it is better to work with a partner than to work on your own. To collaborate with other to get your work done. An example of this could be when you are trying to do your homework for a difficult class. By working with another person you are making it easier for you to accomplish your assignment while helping someone else complete theirs as well. Another example of this is with the teachers at school. Many of them work together to make assignments for their students to make sure that they are learning something new and know how to use it.

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
Image result for sharpen the saw     What this habit means is that you should always improve yourself and be the best you can.
 When you sharpen a saw in real life is because it has become dull and when it is sharpen it can do its job better and quicker. This habit is a metaphor saying that we are the saws that need to be sharpen. An example in where this habit can come in handy can be studying for a test. Another example of sharpening the saw can be when you train to run in a marathon. If everyday you wake up and run miles everyday, you'll be training and conditioning yourself to prepare you for what you have been training for which was to run in a marathon. A reason why it's important that you sharpen the the saw is to constantly keep yourself up to date in everything you know and do. Another way to see this habit is that to sharpen the saw means to prepare yourself for what you want to accomplish.

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax."
-Abraham Lincoln 

Final Reflection:
     Overall I think that these 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are all very unique in their own way and are all very useful. I believe that perhaps the most effective habit out of the 7 would be to begin with the end in mind. I can use all of these habits to improve myself as a student and as a person in general. I can use the first habit, "Be proactive" by always trying to find something useful to do. The second habit, "Begin with the end in mind" can be used to always first think about the outcome of your actions before you go with them. The third habit, "Put first things first" is a useful habit to start to do if you are a procrastinator which I know I am, and I can use this habit by making my homework the first thing I do when I get home. the fourth habit, "Think win-win" Can be used when I am trying to do something that requires another person's help. I can use the fifth habit, "Seek first to understand, then to be understood" when we are learning a new lesson in class. The sixth habit, "Synergize" can be used when I am trying to decide where to eat when I am hanging out with someone. The seventh and final habit, "Sharpen the saw" an be used everyday. I could read a book, I could watch informational and educational videos, practice mathematics, etc. There are many ways to use all of these habits.

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