Wednesday, August 16, 2017

9 Ways

9 ways to be happy and make something of your life
Image result for gordon b hinckley
-Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful
   One way someone can be grateful is not complaining about the things you don't have and, by being happy with what you do have. This is very important because even us teens who may not have a lot, we still have more than many others around the world.  We have to appreciate all the things we have because many of the things that we have we don't seem to care about. Many people complain about not having the shoes that they want wile people who are homeless don't have an option and have to work with what they are given. We have to remember that we should take complain about the things we have because there is always someone out there wishing they could have what we have. Another example of this can be with kids. Some kids may have many toys and throw a tantrum when their parents won't buy them more when there are some kids that don't even have one to play with. Another grate example of this is about school. Many of the students in the US see school as a waste of time but we are actually privileged that school in America is free, not like in Mexico where students have to pay to attend school. We should be grateful that we are allowed to go to school for free.

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"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."
-Oprah Winfrey
2. Be Smart
     Being smart is another way to make sure that you will be successful in life. When you are highly educated you will have an advantage in life. One example of this can be when you are trying to apply for a job. You will have an advantage compared to the other people who are applying for your position because you will have knowledge and knowledge is power. Another example of this can be when you are in class and you are taking a test. You will pass t if you are smart and know what to do. Being smart will also lead to you being happy in life. The majority of people who are successful in life are smart. Not just smart as in intelligence but as well as smart as in they know what to do in serious situations. When you are out with your friends and they decide to maybe do something illegal, you have to be smart and know that you have to choose the right. Being smart will get you far in life. These are some of the many reasons why being smart will help you be happy and make something of your life.
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"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose."
-Bill Gates

3. Be Involved
     Being involved is one way to make sure you can achieve as many goals as you want. When you are involved you will get much more experience and you will be lucky because when you put yourself out there you are open to many more opportunities which many others may not have access to. Being involved is one way to make sure you can have many more experiences and get your name out there. For example if you get involved in the school and run for class president then you will get your name out there. Being involved will get you knowledge. Another example why being involved will help you make something of your life is because for example, if you get into a school program to visit a college campus you get more experience on how it is to attend a college and it can help prepare you for college. Another reason why being involved will make you happy in life is because when you are involved you can get to meet new people and the experiences you have can change your life dramatically for the better and  can help you improve on how you view life. Another example on why being involved will improve your life is because if you are involved in school activities and clubs, it will make your college transcript look better.
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"You have to be involved to evolve."
-Glen Plake
4. Be Clean
     Being clean means being professional. Being clean means not having a record. Being clean means not drinking alcohol on being on any kinds of drugs. Being clean is one way to make sure you can be happy and make something of your life. One example of being clean is when you are at a party with some friends and people begin to drink alcohol, if you want to make something out of your life you have to remember that you have to be clean and refuse to consume any kind of alcohol. Another example of this can be during school. If you are hanging out with the wrong people and they decide to do something they shouldn't like smoking, you should turn around and just walk away. If you want to be happy in life you can't be doing things or hang out with people that can ruin your reputation or put something on your record. Not only does being clean refer to your actions but as well as how you look. If you want to make something of your life you have to start dressing like it. An example can be being clean shaved. Being clean also refers to the way that you dress. You should dress professional and not in unexceptional street clothes.
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"Water is life, and clean water means health"
-Audrey Hepburn
5. Be True
Image result for be true     To be true means to tell the truth. To be true means to stay true. To be true means to keep your word. Being truthful will get you far in life. When you dedicate your life to being truthful to everyone you encounter, your positivist will skyrocket. When you are truthful you are being one of the best kind of person you can be. In this world a person only has one thing and that is their word. If they can't keep it then their failures. Only the truth can be so strong. The truth is what developed a persons character. Being true to yourself and everyone around you is one of the best things a person can do with their life. When you only tell the truth it makes you into a trust worth person. You will be someone that everyone can depend on. Being true will get you far in life because when you only tell the truth no one will question you and just do as you say because you do not lie nor cheat. The truth is one of the strongest things for us. The truth will set you free. 
"Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself."
-Richard Bach
6. Be Positive
Image result for positive  Being positive is a helpful way to make sure that you will go far in life. It will improve your attitude if you only focus on the good side of everything. One example of this can be when you are having a bad day and you have to keep yourself motivated by focusing on the positive before the negative. Don't get involved with anyone who's just going to bring negativity.

7. Be Humble
     To be humble is one way to be successful in life. Being humble will get you far and you will live a happier life when you choose to be humble. A example that will require you to be humble would be if you win the lottery, if that was to happen you have to stay humble and don't brag about your money because you might have once been in the position of just being thankful you had a small amount of money and you wouldn't want anyone to be bragging to you about how much money they have. Another example of being humble in a everyday situation could be when you are in a really good mood and one of your friends might be feeling down. You need to not be ignorant and try to make them feel better because you know you would want someone to comfort you when you are feeling down. To be humble is to not be ignorant nor selfish. 
Image result for be humble                "Sit down, be humble"
- Kendrick Lamar
8. Be Still
     One step to be happy and make something of your life is to be still. By this I am saying that you have to keep doing what you're doing, as long as what you are doing is something positive. You shouldn't change unless you are changing to something better. You should only be moving up in life and not the other way around. Another meaning to being still can be to have a routine. An example of this can something as simple as studying everyday for a certain amount of time. A daily routine could keep you on track. Another example/meaning to the word be still can mean to literally be still. An example of this can be when you are in class. If you are not still and moving around you could be a distraction to the class. When you are still it makes you seem calm and focus.
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"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes radiance."
                                  -Morgan Freeman 
9.Be Prayerful

"Final Reflection"
     For these past few weeks we have been learning and writing about the 9 ways to be happy and make something of your life. All of these individual 9 ways has its own explanation and examples in this post. These 9 ways are.
  1. Be Greatful
  2. Be Nice
  3. Be Involved
  4. Be Clean
  5. Be True 
  6. Be Positive
  7. Be Humble
  8. Be Sill
  9. Be Prayerful  
     All of these ways will help you out to make sure you can make something out of yourself and not just waist your life. Since I have started applying these 9 ways to my everyday life I have seen an increase in my academic achievements and I have started to feel more positive than before. Anyone from any point in life can start to live by these 9 ways and I guarantee you that they will start to live an even more happier and easier life. I honestly believe that this post is missing 1 other way to make something of your life and that way is to choose the right.   

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